

WEB survey for Yamagata's situation of Telework

東北芸術工科大学 松村 茂Tohoku University of Art And Design Shigeru Matsumura特定非営利活動法人Yamagata1 海谷美樹Yamagata1 nonprofit corporation Miki Kaiya特定非営利活動法人Yamagata1 齋藤博美Yamagata1 nonprofit corporation Hiroyoshi Saito特定非営利活動法人Yamagata1 伊勢 博Yamagata1 nonprofit corporation Hiroshi Ise

要旨:結婚で配偶者の居住地へ転居、出産・子育てで退職、介護のために生まれ故郷に U ターン、高齢で毎日の通勤が億劫等、生活環境の変化で会社を退職するケースが増えている。離職防止に「テレワーク」を導入している新しいスタイルの働き方が、地方でどの程度普及しているのか。山形県内の企業・団体を対象にしたテレワークに関するアンケート調査が平成28年に山形県と特定非営利活動法人Yamagata1の協働事業として実施された。


Abstract: Move to the address of the spouse by marriage, retire by Birth, childcare and return to a birthplace for nursing, and they're aged and daily commutation is troublesome etc. and a change in living environment, and the instance which retires from a company is increasing. How to work an introduced new style, which degree prevalence of "Telework" in the area in unemployed prevention. A questionnaire survey about the telework which made an enterprise in the Yamagata prefecture and a group the subject was put into effect as cooperative business of the Yamagata prefecture and specific Yamagata1 nonprofit corporation of for-profit activities in 2016. The awareness of the telework which can be put in the empty Yamagata prefecture as a result of the questionnaire survey "The web investigation turned to Yamagata's telework spread enlightenment in fiscal year 2016", the business category of the telework introduction enterprise, the spread situation comparison with Yamagata-ken and a great city and the telework effect of the area are being considered and gathered.

キーワード: テレワーク 在宅勤務 モバイルワーク ワーク・ライフ・バランス コワーキングスペース

Keyword: Telework Homeworking Mobile work Work–life balance Co-working space.